X1 Pro USB Upgrade (with video) | Offline firmware flashing operation & can solve 99% of projector problems

This is an offline USB upgrade method specially prepared for the X1 Pro model smart projector, and it comes with detailed graphic instructions and video guides for actual operations.
This is an offline firmware flashing operation, which can solve 99% of the problems of this model of projector, and it is very effective in actual tests.

This method is very simple to operate. First, please download the firmware package: [usb_update]


X1 Pro USB Upgrade - Graphics and Text Display

Notice: This method will clear user data when upgrading

If the system version starts with 1080P.ZH.EN, follow the steps below:

1. Copy the X1Pro_20240821_usb_update.bin file to the root directory of the USB flash drive

2. Turn off the device and insert the USB drive into the USB port of the device

3. Long press the power button and the upgrade page will appear

4. It will automatically restart after the upgrade is completed

5. Enter the homepage to complete the upgrade


X1 Pro USB Upgrade - Video Operation


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